Improve Your Newsletter Marketing Strategy

by | Nov 27, 2014 | Computers and Internet

For businesses that have been using newsletter marketing for a significant amount of time it may be important to review just how effective your current newsletters may be. Often companies find a formula for presenting information to their customers that is simple for the content writers and easy to put together for the marketing department.

The problem is that this type of newsletter marketing may not be all that exciting, informative or new for your customers. Perhaps some of those newsletters are no longer being opened or read, making them highly ineffective at getting the message to your customer base.

Analytics and data analysis of tracking, opens, clicks on links and new sign-ups for the newsletter can all be effective in determining if your current newsletter marketing may be getting stale. If you find it is there are some simple and highly effective ways to get it back on track.

Consider Videos and Graphics

With today’s options in newsletter marketing you don’t have to rely on grainy graphics and stock photo images, you can use a wide variety of uploads, gallery layouts and even videos that can be embedded into your newsletter.

This is an eye-catching way to draw attention while still providing relevant content for your readers.

Change the Look

The old school newspaper style of newsletter marketing is not effective for consumers today. Instead look at text boxes and break content into short paragraphs, lots of headers in bold font, and use bullet points and lists for emphasis.

Color and whitespace is also an important consideration. The layout should be very reader friendly and provide the viewer with a professional look and design.

Make it Relevant

Adding an RSS feed to your newsletter always gives you the edge over the competition since that is automatically updated from the live feed. Each time the email is opened that content will update and be timely and relevant to the subject of your newsletter.

You can elect to include shopping options right within your newsletter marketing as well. This eliminates the customer even having to click to get to your website; it can all be handled through your eCommerce platform to get you those sales without the customer having to click through multiple links.

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